Are you confused about how to help heal your brain? Have you read about essential oils but have no idea how to use them? Essential oils can seem "woowoo" and far fetched. The truth is that these tiny oil bottles can hold a research backed boost to brain healing that few people know about.

Many of my patients come to me with an acquired traumatic brain injury (ACTI). The causes of these injuries vary greatly from car accidents and concussions to infections and heavy metals. Regardless of the cause, these patients are left with confusion, chronic pain, brain fog, irritability, depression, anxiety, insomnia, and much more.
An aspect of acquired traumatic brain injury is limbic system impairment. This impairment starts as a response to a stressor and creates reactions to try and protect us from further stressors and dangers. While at first this may be helpful, with an acquired traumatic brain injury, it quickly gets out of hand and becomes dysfunctional. But what if those great smelling essential oils held a secret to unlocking the brain's capacity for healing?
How could essential oils impact brain healing? First, the major nerve involved in scent is the olfactory nerve. This nerve has receptors that are located in the limbic system to influence our memory, emotions, and autonomic nervous system and also in our neocortex to influence our thoughts. Second, many essential oils have been shown to have direct effects on the brain itself.
Let's look at three essential oils that I use in my office to support brain healing and neuroplasticity.
Copaiba is highly anti-inflammatory and neuro-protective. It has been shown to prevent tissue damage after acute injuries and help calm the nervous system. Sources state that this oil can be used topically, as an aromatherapy, or internally in small amounts.
Cedarwood is high in sesquerpetines which cross the blood brain barrier and promote neuro-relaxation. It also has anti-microbial properties, improves focus, and repels insects. This oil is best used in small amounts, topically or diffused.
There is good reason that Frankincense is so highly prized. It is highly anti-inflammatory, neuro-protective, supports the pineal gland, reduces bio-films, and much more. In Chinese Medicine, it is known to be a qi and blood mover. This oil can be used topically, aromatically, or orally in small amounts.
One great tip for using essential oils to support brain healing, is to use them in combination with other modalities to create a synergistic effect. For instance, when doing self-directed neuroplasticity sessions, you could diffuse cedarwood. If you do this often enough, the brain will learn that the two therapies go together and will have stronger effects than either alone.
If you are confused about how to heal your brain or are experiencing any of the above symptoms, please call Keystone Total Health to learn how we can help.
Martin C. Hart, DC, NASM-CES, TFT/EFT
Chiropractic Physician
For educational purposes only, not intended to diagnose or treat any condition.